
Saturday 14 May 2022

Review of ESC 2022 - the Grand Final

After two exciting semi-finals, we've got our final line-up all figured out. Getting to this point has been a rollercoaster, truth be told; awkward hosting and jokes that don't land you already know to expect, but shaky camerawork, cheap-looking postcards, CGI taken from an early 00s music video, and a stage built around entirely around a rotating centerpiece that neither moves nor lights up is just unacceptable and a real embarrassment.

And why is the random water element at the front of the stage given so much screentime? I get that it's a reference to Italy's numerous and iconic fountains but seriously, they're turning half the songs into bathroom breaks with the constant cuts to the flowing water.

Well, life is full of interruptions and complications. And at the end of they day, this is a song contest, so let's just focus on the thing that really matters – the music. So which song will be the one snatch the Eurovision trophy? Let's take a look!

Thursday 12 May 2022

Review of ESC 2022 - Semi-final 2


Now that we've tackled the first semi-final, it's time to move on to the second one. Let's see what it has to offer!

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Review of ESC 2022 - Semi-final 1


Another year has passed and it's May again, so you know what that means – it's Eurovision time!

Now, I think we all can agree that so far, 2022 has been rough. Which is exactly why in times like these, we need things like the Eurovision Song Contest more than ever: it's a celebration of unity, diversity, and a peaceful cultural exchange. Not to mention a whole bunch of fun!

So without further ado, let us take a look at what this year has to offer.